Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Days Until First Pitch

OPENING DAY is Friday, and I'm really pumped. The game is in Hyannis against the Mets. Go figure - my first Cape League broadcast will be for the Braves against the Mets.

Anyway, the job search trudges on. Four more applications today and two yesterday brings the total to somewhere between 10 and 15. Somebody, hire me. I promise, I'm a good person. I'm a good worker. The whole thing. Harmon can back me up.

There was a broadcasters meeting yesterday, and I met a whole bunch of Syracuse guys. The two guys I'm doing the games with are from Syracuse, and there's apparently a large contingency of them here on the Cape. Also met a broadcaster from UGA - I told him we'd have to get together and represent the real sports schools (ZINGER!). Everyone seems really nice though, which is good news.

Not so good news, however, is this Tim Floyd mess. I guess that's what he gets for recruiting one-and-done guys and thinking about jumping ship within the conference. That's all I'll say. I'm really disappointed it ended the way it did; I thought he was a high-class guy with a knack for teaching boys and making them men. I was proud to call him my basketball coach, but as things have come to light, I don't know what to think. Here's my short list:
1) Rick Pitino
2) Avery Johnson
3) Randy Bennett (head coach at St. Mary's)
4) Me

I can just see the press conference now...
Reporter: Coach Tunkel, how are you going to run your offense and defense? What strategy?
Me: The offense will be based on putting the ball in the other team's basket, and the defense will be one that stops the other team from putting the ball in our basket.
Reporter: Recruiting?
Me: need to recruit players who are going to stay for three or four years and work towards an NCAA title.

Anyway, I need to do more work for the Braves - there are some stats of guys who were eliminated from the CWS that I need to fill in. I'll catch you all later.

1 comment:

  1. syracuse student announcers think their s**t don't stink. show 'em the real stuff
