Friday, June 19, 2009

Interviewed Bret Saberhagen

It was basically an awful day, full of rain that destroyed my scorecard and threatened the equipment, technical difficulties, and locking myself out of my own car.

But I did get a chance to interview Bret Saberhagen during the broadcast - check it out:
Saberhagen Interview

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Off Day

Nothing like a good day off. The team goes into the break 2-2-1 after a nice victory at Falmouth. I also go into the break with a small personal victory - Best Buy and Bed Bath called me back to set up interviews in the very near future.

Woke up this morning and it was an absolutely perfect day, so me and a few friends went to Old Silver beach to relax. Nice little beach, with clear skies and clear water and a view of some amazing houses.

Last night was a pretty good game. The team battled back from down 1-0 and 2-1 to tie it at 2-2, then pushed 2 runs across in the 7th and made them stand up for a 4-2 win. We keep getting new guys in - Stefen Romero of Oregon State, Josh Richmond of Louisville and Taylor Hightower of Ole Miss showed up. As the regulars keep coming in, this team is only going to get stronger. Which means more opportunities to "drive home safely" with a W.

Anyway, I'm in the library now doing some work, getting ready for tomorrow's game at home against Chatham. Game starts at 6 pm, with the pre-game kicking off around 5:40.

That's all for now.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Job Search Moves On

More applications, more waiting. More phone calls, more waiting. More in-store visits, more waiting. Someone, please hire me. Thank you.

Now on to more exciting stuff. The Braves won their first game of the season yesterday behind a spectacular pitching performance from Eric Cantrell. The unheralded pitcher from George Washington tossed 8 shutout innings, allowing only two hits in the second inning. He struck out 11 batters and didn't walk any. At one point he struck out 6 batters in a row - which was part of a streak in which he set down 16 straight batters. In other words, dominance. The Braves scored 5 runs on a season-high 11 hits and left another 14 men on base. But a win's a win.

They take their show on the road to Cotuit and Falmouth for the next two games before returning to face Chatham Thursday. I'll be calling all the games, but the two road games won't be live. Follow us on Twitter though at

Let's see, what else is going on...not a whole lot that's worth blogging about. The third roommate gets here Thursday, which should be exciting.

Congrats to the Lakers on winning the title. I guess I have to congratulate the Penguins too. It's not easy to win game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on road ice.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

One Game Down

So last night's game was interesting to say the least. Me and a few buddies got to Hyannis about 4 hours before the scheduled first pitch between the Braves and the Mets. We were planning on tailgating/BBQing/getting ready for Opening Day, but the rain made the tailgate impossible. It also nearly cancelled the game.

The groundskeepers, players, coaches and even the GM got involved in laying a lot of new dirt on the infield to dry it up. The field was deemed playable and the game went on - until the bottom of the 7th, at which point an extremely dense fog settled on the field, making it impossible to see. Braves RF Ben Klafcynski completely missed a line drive to right field, probably because he just didn't see the ball. We waited through a 10 or so minute delay until the umpires called the game due to fog. Thus, the Braves start the season 0-1 with a fog-shortened loss.

Next game is tonight at 5:30 pm EST. You can listen in at by clicking on the Teamline link. Pre-game show at about 5:15, game starts 5:30.

Peace and love.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Days Until First Pitch

OPENING DAY is Friday, and I'm really pumped. The game is in Hyannis against the Mets. Go figure - my first Cape League broadcast will be for the Braves against the Mets.

Anyway, the job search trudges on. Four more applications today and two yesterday brings the total to somewhere between 10 and 15. Somebody, hire me. I promise, I'm a good person. I'm a good worker. The whole thing. Harmon can back me up.

There was a broadcasters meeting yesterday, and I met a whole bunch of Syracuse guys. The two guys I'm doing the games with are from Syracuse, and there's apparently a large contingency of them here on the Cape. Also met a broadcaster from UGA - I told him we'd have to get together and represent the real sports schools (ZINGER!). Everyone seems really nice though, which is good news.

Not so good news, however, is this Tim Floyd mess. I guess that's what he gets for recruiting one-and-done guys and thinking about jumping ship within the conference. That's all I'll say. I'm really disappointed it ended the way it did; I thought he was a high-class guy with a knack for teaching boys and making them men. I was proud to call him my basketball coach, but as things have come to light, I don't know what to think. Here's my short list:
1) Rick Pitino
2) Avery Johnson
3) Randy Bennett (head coach at St. Mary's)
4) Me

I can just see the press conference now...
Reporter: Coach Tunkel, how are you going to run your offense and defense? What strategy?
Me: The offense will be based on putting the ball in the other team's basket, and the defense will be one that stops the other team from putting the ball in our basket.
Reporter: Recruiting?
Me: need to recruit players who are going to stay for three or four years and work towards an NCAA title.

Anyway, I need to do more work for the Braves - there are some stats of guys who were eliminated from the CWS that I need to fill in. I'll catch you all later.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Couple of Days

This is going to be a longer post because I've been away from the library for a couple of days. But I'm back again, and so is the blog. I'll work backwards.

Today is another job app day - put in an app at Bed, Bath and Beyond and walked/walking up and down Main Street in Falmouth looking to see who's hiring. I really still need a job and it's getting frustrating that I don't have one. Very frustrating.

Last night we had our first game - it was a game between some players from the Cape's West Division and a group of traveling Military All-Stars. The Military guys had funny jerseys - their numbers corresponded with important US events/figures (#5 was PENTAGON, #16 was LINCOLN, #63 was GETTYSBURG.) It was actually a really good game - pitching ruled the day and the Cape team won 2-0. The teams combined for nine hits, as the Cape trotted out all 10 pitchers on its roster (including a Chad Bradford clone to get the final out). Great game, and a very good broadcast as well. The Braves start their season Friday in Hyannis against the Mets (who would have thought I'd be calling a Braves/Mets game) and Saturday is the home opener (and first live broadcast) against the Red Sox of Y/D.

Prior to last night, I've been hanging out with a few of the other interns. We saw The Hangover, which was pretty funny. It wasn't as "ROFL" hysterical as I thought it would be, but still a funny movie. It wasn't funny that I had to drive in a steady rain on dark roads with no lights. Quite the experience. But I'm alive, which is good news.

That's all for now - I guess this isn't as long as I thought it would be. I'll check in again tomorrow/Wednesday. We have a CCBL broadcasters meeting tomorrow, and then a team dinner Wednesday night. Should be fun. I also need a haircut. We'll see how that goes.

Tunkel out.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Raining on a Friday Afternoon

Bonus points to the person who names the song the title is based on. Extra bonus points, actually.

It's raining, and I'm not happy about it. I usually don't mind the rain, and will welcome it as a change of pace from time to time. But it has now been overcast each of the last three days, and it's raining today. Please, no more rain.

We're about 48 hours from the first broadcast of the season, and I'm pretty excited. The military has a barnstorming team that plays throughout the country, and Doran Park in Bourne is hosting the first of two Cape League vs. Military All-Stars games. We'll be broadcasting that one live (link to come in a future blog post). I did a test-run of the video feed today, and that works; audio feed test run to follow tomorrow.

Last night was fun - I went out with a few of the interns to watch Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Included an interesting reference to "Killigan's Irish Red" beer. I'll spare him the embarrassment of writing his name, because he took enough for it anyway. And for the record, I predicted "lake show by 20" (ask Adam Zahn), and apparently 20 wasn't enough.

Meanwhile, the job search is not going well. I have now been to/spoken to 5 golf courses about working in the pro shop/caddying and applied to Home Depot, Stop & Shop, Staples, CVS and Right Aid, and still heard nothing back. Please, if you're reading this and work for a company on Cape Cod that needs help, I am available to work during the day. Games typically start at 5:30 or 6. I can work 9 am to 3 pm.

That's all for now. More intern stuff tomorrow before Sunday's big day.