Friday, June 5, 2009

Raining on a Friday Afternoon

Bonus points to the person who names the song the title is based on. Extra bonus points, actually.

It's raining, and I'm not happy about it. I usually don't mind the rain, and will welcome it as a change of pace from time to time. But it has now been overcast each of the last three days, and it's raining today. Please, no more rain.

We're about 48 hours from the first broadcast of the season, and I'm pretty excited. The military has a barnstorming team that plays throughout the country, and Doran Park in Bourne is hosting the first of two Cape League vs. Military All-Stars games. We'll be broadcasting that one live (link to come in a future blog post). I did a test-run of the video feed today, and that works; audio feed test run to follow tomorrow.

Last night was fun - I went out with a few of the interns to watch Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Included an interesting reference to "Killigan's Irish Red" beer. I'll spare him the embarrassment of writing his name, because he took enough for it anyway. And for the record, I predicted "lake show by 20" (ask Adam Zahn), and apparently 20 wasn't enough.

Meanwhile, the job search is not going well. I have now been to/spoken to 5 golf courses about working in the pro shop/caddying and applied to Home Depot, Stop & Shop, Staples, CVS and Right Aid, and still heard nothing back. Please, if you're reading this and work for a company on Cape Cod that needs help, I am available to work during the day. Games typically start at 5:30 or 6. I can work 9 am to 3 pm.

That's all for now. More intern stuff tomorrow before Sunday's big day.

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