Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Think I Need a Bumper Sticker

And that bumper sticker needs to read: I AM NOT A YANKEES FAN, or, NOT ALL NEW YORKERS ARE JERKS, or, I AM A GOOD PERSON, I PROMISE. I have now gotten brights flashed at me, screamed at by cars going the other way, and general dirty looks. It's not because I'm driving too slow or driving recklessly, so it has to be because of my New York license plates.

Anyway, enough of that. We had an intern meeting last night with most of the interns. Fun stuff. Then me and a few interns helped clean up the press box/team shop today. More fun stuff. I think tonight I'm going to a sports bar in Masphee with a couple of interns to watch the first game of the NBA Finals. That should be good. I watched US/Costa Rica last night, and it was clearly a waste of 2 hours given the way the Americans played.

Currently, I'm sitting in the Falmouth Library, preparing to do more team research. And with that, I bid you adieu.

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