Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Post: Bourne, Pocasset and Falmouth

Hey everyone! I'm launching this blog so you guys (and gals) can know what I'm up to this summer. For those of you that don't know, this is what's up: I'm on Cape Cod for the summer; I landed an internship announcing baseball games for the Bourne Braves of the Cape Cod Baseball League. As Nick Tess put it the other night, "That's awesome - you knew you wanted to announce sports in high school, and now you're doing it." Good stuff.

So enough of the perambulatory stuff. Let's get down to it.

I've been on the Cape less than 24 hours. Drove up yesterday and it was a surprisingly easy drive (although nothing surprises me - I'd consider myself and Andrew Lease road trip experts). I barely hit any traffic, and the only time I did, I decided it was time for a Wendy's break.

Settling into the cottage I'm staying in wasn't easy. I packed a ridiculous amount of clothes, and when I got there, I had to go out and buy a standing clothes rack because there wasn't enough closet space. The Internet is also a little spotty, but no worries. I'm currently sitting in the Falmouth Library, which is a gorgeous facility with free Wi-Fi. I need the Internet so I can get down to the nitty gritty of prep work for the team.

WHAT A SEGWAY! Hah. We have our first intern meeting tonight, which should be excited. Then the broadcasting starts Sunday, when a collection of Cape League players will face off against a Military team, which I guess barnstorms across the country and plays various teams. Bourne is hosting one of two military games on the Cape. I'll be broadcasting that one.

Anyway, I have to go apply for jobs and do some research, so I'll leave off here. Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. segway is spelled "segue" hope you are having a great time. my stepson leo and his dad will look for you if you get to brewster between july 3-15. good luyck finding work. try the ice cream place. it's famous. go dodgers. arbo
