Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Couple of Days

This is going to be a longer post because I've been away from the library for a couple of days. But I'm back again, and so is the blog. I'll work backwards.

Today is another job app day - put in an app at Bed, Bath and Beyond and walked/walking up and down Main Street in Falmouth looking to see who's hiring. I really still need a job and it's getting frustrating that I don't have one. Very frustrating.

Last night we had our first game - it was a game between some players from the Cape's West Division and a group of traveling Military All-Stars. The Military guys had funny jerseys - their numbers corresponded with important US events/figures (#5 was PENTAGON, #16 was LINCOLN, #63 was GETTYSBURG.) It was actually a really good game - pitching ruled the day and the Cape team won 2-0. The teams combined for nine hits, as the Cape trotted out all 10 pitchers on its roster (including a Chad Bradford clone to get the final out). Great game, and a very good broadcast as well. The Braves start their season Friday in Hyannis against the Mets (who would have thought I'd be calling a Braves/Mets game) and Saturday is the home opener (and first live broadcast) against the Red Sox of Y/D.

Prior to last night, I've been hanging out with a few of the other interns. We saw The Hangover, which was pretty funny. It wasn't as "ROFL" hysterical as I thought it would be, but still a funny movie. It wasn't funny that I had to drive in a steady rain on dark roads with no lights. Quite the experience. But I'm alive, which is good news.

That's all for now - I guess this isn't as long as I thought it would be. I'll check in again tomorrow/Wednesday. We have a CCBL broadcasters meeting tomorrow, and then a team dinner Wednesday night. Should be fun. I also need a haircut. We'll see how that goes.

Tunkel out.

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